First of all, some quotes I use regularly and which I don’t remember having read somewhere, so I think they are my creation :
- Ech sinn ze arm fir räich ze sinn an ze räich fir arm ze sinn
- Ech wöll nött op Comfort verzichten fir Luxus ze hun
One of my favorite authors/creators is Bertrand Russel who created the following quotes :
- War does not determine who is right – only who is left.
- The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it.
- Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim.
- In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.
And some more quotes from the excellent Woody Allen :
- I think you should defend to the death their right to march, and then go down and meet them with baseball bats.
- To you I’m an atheist; to God, I’m the Loyal Opposition.
- I am not afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.
And some more quotes from different authors :
- A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transportation. — Enrique Peñalosa, Mayor of Bogota
- En términos urbanísticos, la visión que propongo de una ciudad civilizada no es la que tiene autopistas, sino aquella en que un niño en un triciclo puede movilizarse con seguridad.” – La ciudad y la igualdad. El Malpensante (Bogotá) “Ob eine Stadt zivilisiert ist, hängt nicht von der Zahl ihrer Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen ob, sondern davon, ob ein Kind auf dem Dreirad unbeschwert und sicher überall hinkommt.” — Enrique Peñalosa, kolumbianischer Volkswirtschaftler und Politiker
- Be nice to people on your way up because you will meet them on your way down. — Jimmy Durante
- Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic. — Anonymous
- I may disapprove of what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it — Evelyn Beatrice Hall
- 100% der Lottogewinner haben Lotto gespielt — ???
Here a french one, partially from Edgar Degas :
- Jusque 40 ans, on a la gueule que Dieu nous a donné, à partir de quarante ans, on a la gueule qu’on mérite.
And finally a few nice Quotes I have on some T-Shirts/Mugs :
- Sailing is note the answer. Sailing is the question. The answer is YES — Scuttlebutt
- Better a bad day at Tennis than a good day at work
- Ein rauher Tag auf See ist besser als jeder Tag im Büro
And I will finish with a lovely Calvin & Hobbes Strip :