Mäin Sports Life


Former member of the T.C.E., Tennis Club Echternach : http://www.tcechternach.eu

Licensed Player for about 20 years and member of the board for about 10 years.

Stopped playing after an operation of the Achilles tendon


Former member of the C.N.E., Cercle Nautique Echternach : http://www.cnechternach.com/

Competition swimmer and rescue swimmer for many years, afterwards responsible for the computer and the brochure for the Challenge International de la Ville d’Echternach.

Lately I exercise occasionly (1 – 2 times a week)


In 2003, I participated at the Köln Marathon : http://www.koeln-marathon.de/

Lately I exercise occasionly (1 – 2 times a week) and try every year to run the Deulux Lauf : http://www.deulux-lauf.de/


A few years ago, I started cycling to work very occasionly. Actually, I drive during the summer 2-3 times a week to work by bike. http://www.mvos.lu/

In July 2009, I bought a Garmin Edge 705 so I have now a cycling computer with GPS functionnalities so I can check my performance more precisely and I can plan alternate roads ahead and the GPS will lead me easily. The first one I made can be checked here :

Other Social Sports Sites

Besides Garmin Connect, I also use these sites :


Started sailing on the lake of Echternach on a Laser Dinghy :  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_%28dinghy%29 and a Windglider Surfboard : http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windglider

Afterwards I started Open Water Sailing on bigger boats and I am still a member of the Groupement luxembourgeois de croisière et de régate : http://www.glcr.lu/


More Info about my “Männerwanderungen” can be found here.

I also do some Geocaching :


I’m skiing since the age of 7 in the École du ski français. At this time we generally went to the french Alps.

Lately, I went to the Val Gardena in the Dolomites and the last years to Austria, Obertauern and Sölden